Testimonials from our Donors
Submit your Aircraft Donation Testimonial Below
Aircraft Donation Testimonials
Over the years hundreds of different types of aircraft have been donated to our charity and countless lives have been turned around in extremely positive ways, all because of people like you. Below are some recent testimonials from individuals and families that chose to donate their aircraft through our 501c3 nonprofit charity. We invite all donors to send us their testimonial too through the form below.
Are you ready to donate aircraft?
(888) 228-7320
Tax Write-Off
We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give..
AircraftDonation.org was started as a funding project for Giving Center (EIN# 92-1162407), an IRS-approved 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that operates nationwide. Giving Center was created to help bridge the gap between those in the community who have the means and wish to help, with those who are in dire need of a helping hand and a little grace. We have a team of professional pilots and individuals with both the technical and legal experience to assist you in the donation of your aircraft.